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Corgi Health

We test our AKC Pembroke Welsh Corgis for: DM, EIC, VWD1, PRA-RCD3, XSCID, D Locus, Fluff, and more. Below is an explanation of some of the Genetic Tests that we do.

DM is Degenerative Myelopathy. DM is when a Pembroke Welsh Corgi's spinal cord deteriorates as it gets older, and results in the rear legs becoming paralyzed as soon as middle age. Studies show that 52% of Pembroke Welsh Corgis are At Risk of developing DM, only 37% are safe as Carriers, and only 11% of Pembroke Welsh Corgis are DM Clear.

EIC is Exercise Induced Collapse. EIC is commonly misdiagnosed as a Heat Stroke. Your Pembroke Welsh Corgi puppy is going to run! If a Pembroke Welsh Corgi is affected by EIC it can handle normal running, but in the right conditions too much running will result in the Pembroke Welsh Corgi becoming wobbly and collapsing for 5-25 minutes. In some cases EIC can result in death.

VWD1 is Von Willebrand Disease Type 1. VWD1 is when blood doesn't clot. Accidents can happen at any age with Pembroke Welsh Corgis, who love to run with their herding instincts. Depending on the injury, if the blood doesn't clot you could lose your Pembroke Welsh Corgi if it has VWD1.

PRA-RCD3 is Progressive Retinal Atrophy. PRA starts as night blindness at just a few months old, and escalates to full blindness in Pembroke Welsh Corgis by ages of 1-4 years old.

D Locus (dd) is a mutation that dilutes pigments in hair, skin, and eyes of Pembroke Welsh Corgis. The mutation causes a "bluie" appearance in black pigments, and also affects red/tan/brown pigments. Dogs with this mutation are prone to "Blue Dog Syndrome" aka "Color Dilution Alopecia". The mutation usually causes hair loss between 6 months and 3 years in any area that has the "bluie" appearance. Blue dogs often have exposed patches of skin that can become scaly as a result of exposure. If the exposed skin gets infected, pruritus or itching can result in more hair loss. There is no cure for color dilution or color dilution alopecia. Source 1: Blue Dogs & Skin Problems. Source 2: Blue Dog Syndrome. Source 3: Color Dilution Alopecia.

FLUFF is simply the length of hair on a Pembroke Welsh Corgi. The breed standard is to have straight medium length hair, and a little longer hair around the chest plate and lower body. It's considered a Fault in Dog Shows if a Pembroke Welsh Corgi has long wavy hair all over it's body. There is no health risk of having longer hair.

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