Red Pembroke Welsh Corgi. She has 1 strong Red gene, so 50% of her Pembroke Welsh Corgi puppies will be red. Her other color gene is Blackhead Tri, so the rest of her puppies could be Tris or Sables depending on the boy's genes.
DM Carrier - We have DM Clear boys, so her puppies will all be safe from DM as 50% Clear and 50% Carriers, and none At Risk.
EIC Clear - Gwen and her puppies are all safe from Exercise Induced Strokes.
VWD1 Clear - Gwen and her puppies will have blood that clots normally.
PRA-RCD3 Clear - Gwen and her puppies are all safe from PRA blindness.
XSCID - Gwen and her puppies are all safe from X-Linked Severe Combined Immunodeficiency.
DMD Clear - Gwen and her puppies are all safe from Muscular Dystrophy.
Fluff Clear