We're the Randall Family and we breed AKC Pembroke Welsh Corgis. Tim Randall owned his first Pembroke Welsh Corgis as a child in 1977. They were a red male Pembroke Welsh Corgi named Rabbit, and a sable female Pembroke Welsh Corgi named Ginger. Today three generations of the Randall family have owned Pembroke Welsh Corgis as adults.
Our adult Pembroke Welsh Corgis are health tested to insure every Pembroke Welsh Corgi puppy we breed is safe from: DM, EIC, VWD1, EIC, PRA-RCD3, & D Locus. Read our page Corgi Health for more information about these 6 health issues that can affect other Pembroke Welsh Corgis.
We've traced the ancestry of our AKC Pembroke Welsh Corgis to the 1920s. Some of our Pembroke Welsh Corgis are descendants of the 1st Registered Corgi in the United Kingdom. Plus some of our Pembroke Welsh Corgis are related to the male that fathered Queen Elizabeth's first Pembroke Welsh Corgi, her second Pembroke Welsh Corgi, and the first AKC Champion Pembroke Welsh Corgi in the United States. We also found that some of our Pembroke Welsh Corgi are related to the male that fathered Queen Elizabeth's first litter of Corgi puppies, and also the male that fathered her second litter of Corgi puppies.
Some of our AKC Pembroke Welsh Corgi puppies became Therapy Dogs, and others have won Obedience Trophies. Plus some of our Pembroke Welsh Corgis are related to AKC Champion Pembroke Welsh Corgis on their 5 Generation Pedigrees.
AKC Pembroke Welsh Corgis are our only breed. We are a responsible breeder that breeds 4 to 6 litters of Pembroke Welsh Corgis per year. We have the best quality of Pembroke Welsh Corgis with the photos, health tests, and pedigrees to prove it.
Our Pembroke Welsh Corgi puppies come with AKC Registration Papers, AKC Litter Certificates, AKC 5 Generation Pedigrees of both parents, Pedigrees to show that all of our Pembroke Welsh Corgis are related to the Queen of England's Corgis, Lab Results for DM, Lab Results for EIC, Lab Results for VWD1, Lab Results for Fluff, a Health Schedule to care for your Pembroke Welsh Corgi puppy, and food to last for 1 week to mix with the brand you pick. All vaccinations and deworming are up to date when you receive your Pembroke Welsh Corgi, and are listed on the Health Schedule.
Our Pembroke Welsh Corgi puppies are properly docked to the breed standard of a bob tail under 2 inches long, and their dew claws removed to prevent injury. As Queen Elizabeth said about her first Pembroke Welsh Corgi named Dookie: "I want him to have to wag a little, because otherwise we do not know if he's happy or not."
We have never shipped a Pembroke Welsh Corgi, because we believe in meeting every customer in person. In 2013 Congress passed the new USDA Animal Welfare Act, which adopted the same policy. The law requires breeders to meet every customer in person unless they have a USDA Commercial License.
Customers for our AKC Pembroke Welsh Corgis have included people from these 21 states: Alabama, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Louisiana, Maryland, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, New York, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Texas, and Virginia. Every customer traveled to Arkansas, because our AKC Pembroke Welsh Corgi puppies are worth the trip.